Skrrt Skrrt
Mr. X gon' give it to ya
That's right 'v'
Mr. X gon' give to ya
You're really breaking new limits with this poster Rhuync. I was so amazed by everything MC11 had to offer, especially the little cracks them Tricky minions came out of, and when Tricky broke half of that room apart.
Amazing job man
Oh absolutely, just watching all the effort that was put into the environment effects was just amazing. It's definitely a labor of love!
On the road again, I can't wait to get on the road again
Is that Demoman playing the piano or is that just me?
*angery goes here*
tAkE mE By thE HAnD
leaD mE To tHe lANd
thAT yOu unDErsTanD
If you do happen to commission me PM to let me know.
Scream Fortress Grinding
Joined on 11/7/16