Why is this rated M?
Why is this rated M?
For once you actually draw something Madness in color
hi yes, madness is very gray :v
The queen definitely is #1 Mom in the alien universe
SPACE MILF with the biggest junk in the trunk I've ever seen
I'm more of a gryffindor person
that's cool :) i'm not XD
Experience Tranquility
Tranquility made chaos his bitch
I've watched the music video before. It's a really good song don't ya think?
It is, I really enjoy the song and music video alot.
This character can really relate to the Medic from TF2
He most certainly can x^D He has the worst sense of humor too. It's great.
May the 4th be with you
U 2.
I'll make a note to myself and not take his medicine, because he doesn't have any
I got my shots from this guy and he seems chill. granted, I've started to lose color in one eye but hey, now i can't get tetanus!
Noodle really grew up fast don't ya think?
She should be around her late twenties by now I think.
If you do happen to commission me PM to let me know.
Scream Fortress Grinding
Joined on 11/7/16