Nice. I'd like to see more perspectives when it comes to rooms, such as an isometric perspective
Nice. I'd like to see more perspectives when it comes to rooms, such as an isometric perspective
Hard to swallow pills:
Bet his favorite ice-cream flavor is Rocky Road
Something worth noting here is that although this may be some sort of freaky shit show, Madness Expurgation brings out a really important element you rarely ever see in the series. The film gave a chance to show more humanity in the characters than any other episode; specifically, that humanity comes from none other than Sanford.
It's not exactly obvious at first, but you can see in Sanford's actions that he doesn't want to be in The Auditor's hell fighting Tricky. When he's launched a mile away, it's very clear he's frustrated when he supposedly yells and then slams his fist. This sort of emotion, or even any other emotion is extremely non-present in any other Madness film, with the exceptions being Deimos fooling around. Sanford is frustrated, angry, unsure of what to do, but most importantly: he's afraid. He shows his fear, unlike any other character.
As for Hank, he's been probably been through this song and dance before, since he's died numerous times. It was nice of you to put in this detail Krinkels, I'm sure your greatness will expand this detail even more in the future
I like the Iron Rod part the most, but otherwise this was better than the other speedrage collabs
Yeah me too
Damn kRyy, you really now how to make a collab. Everyone brought something special, and that boss fight was spectacular. I also like the cameo of Paradigmadness, Loss (Gabriel you bastard lel), and Mag Hank.
You could really feel the tension in Whitehank, and the shaky camera was good for action packed killing. The new generation of Madness is rising and hitting it's peak
Happy Madness Day!
I can guarantee that this is one of the best collaborations EVER. Each animator brought something unique to the table, and Cryono did an amazing job with the soundtrack, with the transition of beats and themes. The return of this collab really blew me away.
It's unfortunate that Alpha may not make another Rebooting the Madness, but I do hope I see something from you that's related to it, as you said to daldorian. I can also see that many of the other animators such as Tr3y0, DIMB, etc, have moved on with their lives, and won't be coming back to animation.
Time of Matter did a great job with his animation, very smooth movement and physics. Cethic's part really appealed to me, especially the start when the ship takes off.
You did a fantastic job organizing and reviving an almost forgotten project, I give much praise to you Jsoull. Happy Madness Day!
It kinda seems like the real theme of this year's Madness Day is continuing almost abandoned projects. There was Paradigmadness, and now a very unique madness animation with actual color. I laughed a bit when the grunt got killed by the shark as well :)
It's good to see you're making something rather different in the midst of the usual red sky, gray building themed animations that usually come from the other animators.
Happy Madness Day 'Janer, have a very nice day
Is this somehow related to MADNESS: JAILBREAK by any chance or is it just me? I remember Abaddon needing repairs after escaping the Nexus Prison.
Also, very amazing character introduction, and it was very nice of you to continue Paradigmadness after 6 years of the prequel's release. Great, now this is leaving me with another question about DIMB, but I won't say it here.
Kudos, have a nice day Jsoull.
If you do happen to commission me PM to let me know.
Scream Fortress Grinding
Joined on 11/7/16